Developer’s Guide

Contributing to our Library

The preferred workflow for contributing to our library is following steps:

1.Fork the project repository by clicking on the ‘Fork’ button near the top right of the page. This can create a copy of the code under your GitHub user account.

2.Clone your fork of our library repo from your GitHub account to your local disk:

$ git clone
$ cd ourlibrary

3.Create a feature branch to hold your development changes:

$ git checkout -b my-feature

4.Develop the feature on your feature branch.

  • Add changed files by using git add
  • Then using git commit files
$ git add modified_files
$ git commit

in order to record all changes in Git, Push the changes to your GitHub account:

 $ git push -u origin my-features

5.Follow these instructions to create a pull request from your fork. This will send an email to the committers.

Drafting New Releases

Before drafting a new release, ensure the latest version of the documentation built properly. Follow these steps when drafting a new release:

1.Create and switch to a new branch named release-x.y.

2.Update in different steps:

3.Push the release branch with the changes.

4.Merge the newly created branch to the master branch.

5.Draft a new release in GitHub using this template and also tag name vX.Y.Z

6.Create and tag a docker image for release running at the repo’s root:

  • Create an image:
docker build -t bscwdc/ourlibrary:vX.Y.Z .
# Create also new 'latest' tag using newly created image
docker tag bscwdc/ourlibrary.vX.Y.Z bscwdc/ourlibrary:latest
  • Log in and push it to dockerhub
docker push bscwdc/ourlibrary:vX.Y.Z
docker push bscwdc/ourlibrary:latest

7.Create a pip package and upload it to PyPi:

  • Ensure that you have the latest version of setuptools, wheel, and twine installed: pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine

  • Create and upload the pip package:
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pyhton3 -m twine upload dist/ourlibrary-X.Y.Z*